Welcome The Godfather’s House – Museum Corleone

A physical and mental journey to discover the history of Corleone


Guide: Italian - French - English - Spanish - Arabic - Polish

The God Father's House

Are you ready to live an unprecedented unique experience?
A noble residence from the 1800s that tells the story of the Corleonesi’s life. A journey to discover the history of the city of Corleone, the history of the peasants and the daily life of the noble landowners, the birth of the history of the mafia and anti-mafia.

The Museum

A real journey, physical and mental where a narration will be the guide that will lead us to sharpen our senses, emanating a strong spirituality, which distinguishes our sixth sense.

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The Museum Gallery

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    © 2022 Tutti i diritti riservati – The God Father’s House  THE FAMILY – P.I e C.F: 07022870823
    Powered by: Roberto Taormina

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